Vale Carl Thurkle

Vale Carl Thurkle

A few days ago I received the sad news that our longest serving life member Carl Thurkle passed at the age of 92. In the photo on top left is his son Ian, daughter Jayne and her partner. Front row is his wife Claire, granddaughter Ruby, and Carl. Carl became our first ever life member at the Frankston Yacht Club in 1969 at the relatively young age of 39. He went on to become one our greatest members alongside founding member Bert Grice and another very active member Don Albers. Carl along with his wife Claire spent most of their early years in and around the club. Claire with the help of many ladies spent more than 15 years running the club canteen. Carl himself served as Club Captain for 6 years running and organising the clubs sailing program. His specialty was race organisation and sailing racing rules. He spent countless hours out on the water in the club power boats, setting race courses, starting races and doing boat rescues. In the heady days of the 70s and 80s, yacht racing was at its peak in Australia. Frankston Yacht Club was one of the premier sailing clubs on the bay and Carl was a major contributing factor to this. Club Membership was closed at 400 members and there were so many boats and members that club racing was held over two days, Saturday and Sunday. Our premier regatta was the Australia Day long weekend regatta. With often over 120 boats attending from all around the bay and country Victoria. The boat shed was full, the North yard was full, and boats 3 deep stretched from the creek wall halfway up to the life saving club. Us juniors would sleep under the bigger catamarans at night acting as security. Carl's roles included club secretary and a variety of committee positions. Carl also found time to go sailing. He crewed on the 3 person 20ft ”6metre” single hulled lightweight Sharpie with fellow life member and Commodore Leigh Gloury. When age started slowing him down he ended up crewing on a 20 ft Yvonne 20 Catamaran for a few years competing in 3 Australian championships between Frankston and Perth. Carl was fondly remembered by all those who knew him for the 4 great loves of his life,

1. His wife Claire, his son Ian, his daughter Jayne and his granddaughter Ruby.

2 The Frankston Yacht Club.

3 The refreshing taste of an ice cold beer with friends.

4.The Collingwood Football club.

Carl we thank you and Claire for your service and dedication.

Roly DeLange

Carl Thurkle left us peacefully on October 3rd, hopefully to witness a Collingwood Grand Final in heaven.

92 Years

Husband of Claire (passed)

Father to Jayne and Ian

Very proud Pa to Ruby Martin

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